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Alongside our key projects, Edirisa UK has been involved in a variety of other ventures. While some of these have been simple charitable endeavours, our focus is on sustainable income generating initiatives which allow individuals and communities to support themselves.

Past Ventures

Over the years we have been involved with a number of projects, some of which continue to thrive. Others may have had their day but were, for a time, an integral part of our charity work. 

In the early days, we supported swimming lessons with children from the Bufuka School on Lake Bunyonyi, helping to provide them with a skill that could one day save their life. Also on the education front, we launched a 'Circle of Friends' nursery initiative, connecting nursery schools around the world with those schools in Uganda to share letters, photos and cultural stories. Additionally, through our Business in a Box scheme we helped promote Tough Stuff solar panels in an effort to reduce dependence on unsafe and unhealthy kerosene lamps, and we also provided bee keeping facilities for the community in Kamuronko - something which continues to this day.


We are proud to support Dr Robert Mugarura, a neurosurgeon who trained in Uganda and the USA and has since returned to his hometown in Kabale to help the local community.


In September 2016 Dr Mugarura operated on 24 children with congenital deformities, completely free of charge, at the Kabale hospital - where the facilities and nursing staff were provided for free. Inspired by his generosity and his mission to help his community, we wanted to get involved. 

We started in August 2017 by providing Dr Mugarura with a large quantity of medical equipment to help him in his surgeries. We also invited him to the Bwama Island Heath Centre where he runs surgical camps twice a year. We support these medical camps, and those he runs at the Kisoro Hospital, by funding accommodation, food and surgical supplies. The surgical camps are primarily for people suffering from congenital deformities, helping to improve the quality of their life immeasurably.


Dr Mugarura and his team provide their services completely free of charge.


In 2018 we started working with Gorilla Highlands Coffee, a speciality coffee producer and social enterprise aimed at promoting coffee tourism and environmental conservation in the Kigezi region.

Gorilla Highlands Coffee is a not-for-profit company who source their coffee beans from small-holdings, providing them with a stable buyer and much-needed source of income. They are also focused on responsible and smart agricultural techniques to minimize their carbon footprint and preserve the forests of the mountain gorillas, all while creating a quality product. Their coffee farmers receive a premium price for their beans and a wide range of technical and community support, including schooling, medical insurance and environmental protection.


Edirisa UK sells the Lake Bunyonyi branded coffee through our craft outlets and are distributing the coffee in the Kabale District. We intend to give seedlings to our craftwomen and the staff at Bwama Health Centre so that in the future they can become one of Gorilla Highlands Coffee bean suppliers. 

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